Thursday, October 20, 2011


Just a little of what we've been doing lately.. 
check out our new music here:

also, make sure to check out our buddies from Malpractice Insurance:

our most recent show w/ the almighty Archagathus, 2011.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

UPDATE: 8/04/2011

We have added a new singer. Give it up for Jon (BrucexCampbell). Keep your ears down-tuned for new material. Meanwhile in El Monte, CA...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

U P D A T E :

Not much has been going on with your fellow WHORES these past months. No shows have been played, no songs have been written, lack of practice, busy with work, etc. But these past few weeks have been a real turnaround! New shows in line along with splits and Compilations! New song was just finished last week entitled 'Ed Gein's Upholstery Service', along with another new one that has a more satanic feel to it entitled 'Black Metal Bar Mitzvah'. Keep your ears down-tuned for these upcoming compilations!

On a different note, we're playing a show in August with our fellow brothers Goner, the female fronted power-violence 3 piece assault noise group 'Blaster Master' and along with Angustia and Temple of Dagon. ALL the bands will bring the ruckus!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Recordings?

Say whaaaat? .....we're in the process of finishing up mastering our new recordings. So keep your ears down-tuned for releases such as, Grotesque Ovary Rectal Extraction (G.O.R.E.); who can forget the classic, Balls Deep; and the family favorite Finger-Blast.

Any bands that would like to do a split feel free to contact us. 666.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pico Rivera Show

Support touring bands Lunge (PDX) & Sex Brew Bantha (CAN)!
As well the sick local grind acts.


With the fall of Myspace, it's been hard to get in contact with bands/ distros/ venues/ etc. We'll be posting updates, shows, and a bunch of shenanigans we deem is important.

We've have been busy with mixing and mastering our new and old recordings. So far we can safely say that we're proud of how they're turning out to be. In the mean time, we have an old demo that was never released. These tracks have been collecting dust for about a year now. In it are 2 recently recorded tracks. Hope you enjoy!

Get it Here: